What Dropping the Baggage is

dropping the baggage is

What Dropping the Baggage is?

How can we help students drop their negative “baggage” that keeps them away from education, to develop their skills and to invest to their future through education?

The European project “Dropping the Baggage – Investing in the future” is aiming to empower educators identify and recognise students who are in danger of falling out on vocational education and to train them so as to develop a personalised approach of those students.

The project is being implemented under the Erasmus+ program, by eight organizations and educational institutions from Netherlands, Greece, Finland, United Kingdom, Spain and Portugal.


Dropping the Baggage is a multinational project which objectives are the following:

  • Develop tools that will help teachers encourage students to drop their negative baggage, take ownership of their learning and develop hidden strengths that will help them succeed in working life and in life in general.
  • Change the existing mindsets, educational culture and classic/typical educational methods and also urge educators adapt educational methods that encourages students to open their minds to the way they look at their own role in the learning process.
  • Change the approach of learning to a more holistic approach in which the social background and the problems in which the students find themselves is taken into consideration when setting up personal study plans and when setting aims for school performance.

 Who is it for?

  • students,
  • VET providers
  • VET teachers
  • teachers’ assistants
  • job coaches,
  • youth workers,
  • stakeholders who play a role in educating VET students.

What will be produced?

S.C.R.E.A.M.! – method

Dropping the Baggage isS.C.R.E.A.M.! – method focus on how to help VET students drop their baggage through the learning/ educational procedure and invest in their future.

An online guidance manual/webpage will be developed that will focus on how VET providers, teachers, teachers’ assistants, job coaches, youth workers and the students themselves can change their negative baggage into something positive through the S.C.R.E.A.M.! Method (Strength, Collaboration, Respect, (self)Evaluate, Achieve, Motivate).

 Project partners

The project is being implemented by eight partners from six European countries:

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