Transforming Baggage into Strength: Insights from the Dropping the Baggage Partnership Meeting

The Dropping the Baggage partnership met in Karis, Finland, at Axxell. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss, analyze, and improve the S.C.R.E.A.M Manual, which served as the final product of the project. One of the highlights of the meeting was the presence of Nabaz, a refugee who had arrived in Finland as a child and had faced numerous challenges in his personal life. Nabaz had also been a victim of bullying during his school years. Despite these difficulties, he found inner strength and successfully obtained three VET degrees. He even became a reality star. Nabaz generously shared his personal struggles, along with the strategies he had used to overcome them.

His inspiring story had motivated the partnership to focus on developing evaluation tools for Chapter 5 of the Manual. These tools would aid educators and youth workers in recognizing the emotional baggage they carried into the classroom. Another tool would be designed to assist VET students in visualizing their own emotional baggage and finding ways to transform negative experiences into positive ones.


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