Inclusive vocational education in Finland by Anu Raudasoja


Anu Raudasoja, the head of Vocations Education Special Needs Teacher Education department of  HAMK university of applied sciences and specialist in inclusive VET education, published in THESEUS an article about Inclusive vocational education in Finland.

Dropping the Baggage – Investing in the future project, aiming to improve students´ 21st century skills, in a way that will help them:

  • set goals
  • invest in their future
  • rethink on how they look at themselves

We interviewed mrs Anu Raudasoja!

Some main aspects of the interview, that should be underlined, are that teachers should make students

  • Focus on the positive”
  • “Make them say “I CAN”!”

Read Anu Raudasoja’s article here!



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