S.C.R.E.A.M! Manual
Chapter 1: Understanding negative baggage: Its impact on VET students and educators
5 Topics
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The concept of Baggage
1.3 Influences on baggage
1.4 Potential impact negative baggage has on VET students and educators
1.5 A practical example – How to recognize signs of negative baggage among students.
Chapter 2: Changing of existing exclusive attitudes towards inclusiveness and empowerment.
5 Topics
2.1 Introduction
2.2 How does the hidden agenda hinder students from dropping the baggage and how can we prevent the hidden agenda from affecting our ways of teaching and learning?
2.3 How perceptions impact interactions with students
2.4. A guide for setting up action plans and frameworks
2.5. Implementing inclusiveness and empowerment in VET action plans
Chapter 3: Embracing the Power of Collaboration: The Strength of a “We” Approach
8 Topics
3.1 Introduction
3.2. Handling Behaviours & Signals
3.3. Building relationships through shared learning
3.4. Management of roles and responsibilities in a Team
3.5. Parents’ role in creating a “we”-approach in VET
3.6. Ensuring inclusive education for all students
3.7. Top tips for building trust
3.8. Collaborative Approach: Establishing Work Dynamics, Roles, and Solution
Chapter 4: Empowering students through coaching
8 Topics
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Coaching models
4.3. Empowering Students: Coaching for skill development and amplifying their strengths
4.4. Questioning
4.5. Listening
4.6. Empowering students to grow from their own experience
4.7. Exploring the power of peer coaching
4.8. Implementing Strategies for Peer Coaching in VET
Chapter 5: Introducing the S.C.R.E.A.M! Methodology: Empowering Students to drop negative baggage and thrive in VET
3 Topics
5.1. Introduction
5.2. The role of educators in the S.C.R.E.A.M! methodology
5.3. Embracing S.C.R.E.A.M! and the Evolving Leadership Roles in 21st Century VET Colleges
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Chapter 2: Changing of existing exclusive attitudes towards inclusiveness and empowerment.
S.C.R.E.A.M! Manual
Chapter 2: Changing of existing exclusive attitudes towards inclusiveness and empowerment.
The hidden agenda
How to deal with the hidden agenda from the teachers and students perspective
Inclusion of teachers and students
How to set up and implement actionplans
Chapter Content
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2.1 Introduction
2.2 How does the hidden agenda hinder students from dropping the baggage and how can we prevent the hidden agenda from affecting our ways of teaching and learning?
2.3 How perceptions impact interactions with students
2.4. A guide for setting up action plans and frameworks
2.5. Implementing inclusiveness and empowerment in VET action plans
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